everything fierce, everything fabulous, everything fashion.

Sunday 27 April 2014

Ignorance is bliss

So this Friday we decided to drown our first world sorrows in Costa and take a stroll down the polluted beach. Followed by a sleepover to prolong our ignorance about how we have our first exam in about..2 and a bit weeks now, not including our art exam this Wednesday. You're also probably wondering why I have sunglasses on, when it quite clearly is not sunny, and if I'm honest I just felt really bun haha. I obviously realised how ridiculous that was and how ridiculous I looked, so took them off after the lapse of sanity. 

Barbour Jacket
Some vintage shirt
Some vintage shorts to match hah

This is kind of a random post, but I just wanted a place to put all the pictures I so obsessively take.


yes, I did hashtag on blopspot haha. 

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