I never thought I'd say this but the last night of WHSG's Fashion Show was so sad.
It was Ebony who signed L. and I up for the fashion show, and I really did not want to do it. I tend to be confident in most areas of things, but dancing and co-ordination are things I've always been rubbish with. I still recall being asked to go on stage during a Mayhem nappy night and doing the chicken dance while other girls were grinding and booty shaking. And when I was 14 I had even less of a booty than now, if that's even possible. But with lot's of practice, we managed to pick up the dance, Eb isn't a dancer either, so I'm so proud she had the balls to sign us up!
What I learnt, and hope to share is that, I and others should do more things, especially things which are out of our comfort zones. At first it was nerve racking to be on stage, moving my body...dancing is an odd concept to me...but those nerves transcend into an exhilaration and excitement that make you feel a fool for being nervous about it all. The fun and freedom completely overrides any previous reluctance. A small thing like getting involved in a school fashion show has helped me grown, even if it's just a little.
You will really feel proud and good in yourself when you push yourself outside your box.
So just let go and do what you want, don't hinder your potential. Challenge yourself.
Anyway, I still got some moves (apparently unnoticeable) wrong, but at the end of the day, I had so much fun it didn't even matter.

Outfits for the hair routine.

These two girls in year 10 are adorable. The girl closest to Eb is Phoebe and I'm by Anna!
Ebony and I were in the toilets doing our hair and Phoebe was having trouble back combing hers, so I offered to help her. She mentioned she wanted big hair like last year, and I described a hairstyle I'd done on a girl in WHSG's Fashion Show 2012, and guess what...IT WAS HER HAIR I'D DONE. I love how things come full circle. I had a feeling it was her, that gorgeous, thick and glossy hair was unforgettable! This time I didn't do it as giant, but the main point is how random it was to be doing her hair again. It's a shame I wont be there next year to do it...unless I resit year 13.. TOUCH WOOD I DON'T.



Below are some photo's from the fashion show :)

Spot the difference!

Shirt: Primark
Bandeau: Topshop
Leggings: ASOS
Wedges: New Look

PVC Skirt: Topshop
Polka Dot Shirt: Topshop
Heels: Jeffrey Campbell
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