If you didn't know, Chinese New Year is basically the celebration of the end of the winter solace and start of Spring. That's all I know. So shameful! A hue of red symbolises luck and celebration, but I didn't have anything rouge to wear so I thought a pop of pink would suffice!

As I wanted to keep chic and soften the barbie fuchsia I wore my deep black skinnies with a leather centre panelled leg. This choice of colour kept the focus on the vibrant shirt.

Dream Catcher Necklace: Troll - £6
Excuse how sheer my blouse is, I just needed a close up of the retro-esque squares and the necklace!

I was really looking forward to going to London and catching up with my brother and sister who came down from their universities. But no. As I trotted out of Leicester Square station, I found myself drowning in a pool of strangers. There was a barricade of people blocking the road and I had no idea where I was going. I snailed my way around several roads and luckily landed outside New World! Must have been my Chinese instinct kicking in. Phewwww you'd think. Problem over. Guess again, I was waiting in the rain for my brother for approximately 20 minutes, thats 1200 seconds of my life wasted before he got there. But, being the productive and independent girl I am, who doesn't wait any for ANYONE (except maybe Matty from The 1975) I left after 10 minutes and walked about.
With my newly acquired Chinese senses in play, I'd managed to discover the dragon dance. I was right at the front so snapped some photos :)
They're very blurry, but the dragon dancers we're so lively and doing a combination of Gangnam Style and the Harmlem Shake I couldn't get a steady picture.

When the part finished and got a phone call from my bro to come and meet him. We waited for our sister and dad and did some more walking. I punished him by taking him shopping and trying on loads of hats (hehe) then found some sik beanie I found in soho!

I'd never actually been to M n M world before so my brother took me. That burst of a heavy aroma of pure goodness hit me as I stepped through the doors. It was AH MAH ZHING.

I'm not going to lie, I took about 10 thousands photos on here whilst everyone was watching haha! So many people kept walking passed and ruining the photo, that and my face and posture was not working.

Even though the girl had a plain outfit on, it really worked because the coat made such a statement. I was too much in a rush to ask for a photo so I took it as I walked away. lol.

The dim sum place was full so we had to go some where else :(

My sister looks hot even with barely any make up on!!

MY FIRST BUBBLE TEA. I got coconut but you could barely taste anything. The tapioca was delish though, I'm officially hooked.
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